Saturday, April 30, 2016

Tips on Drawing Caricatures and Even Using it as a Coping Skill

Okay so today I feel for the first time I nailed a caricature face I won't say it was perfect. The body definitely is not great but I am the imperfect artist at all. Anyway I want to give some advice on how to draw caricatures because it has been a great skill for me to use.
Before I start this is for anyone. But some things will be aimed specifically for people with mental illness (BPD in particular) or who are trying to use this as a coping skill.
Here is my caricature it is Billy Hamilton from the Reds. However this applies for all caricatures

Okay here are my tips

  • If you want to draw perfect things draw self portraits: One of the cool things about caricatures is that while they should look like somebody (like I can't say this caricature looks like Queen Elizabeth) however they are not supposed to be exact. If you are using this as a skill you don't need to be a critic just try the best you can
  • It really does take practice...but how you practice is up to you: Some people might want to do the same drawing over and over. Some people might want to practice body parts. Some might only do faces some might only use tutorials. But as long as you are practicing you will see improvement. 
  • It is one of a kind: For me every caricature is one of a kind so I just go for it. 
  • You might do everything differently and that is okay: You won't hurt my feelings (well maybe if you thought the caricature about was Queen Elizabeth but otherwise no) it should be what works for you. 
  • No judgement zone: So a lot of people with BPD judge themselves. If it isn't clear THERE IS NO GRADE, NO WRONG ANSWER, NO BAD Caricature. 
  • Okay for the actual drawing of them start with the head shape: For me this is what I prefer at least because it gives you a range. Some people start with the eyes but then you don't really control the size. 
  • Don't start with baseball players: I mean you can but for me drawing baseball caps is really hard so start with regular hair.
  • Make it yours: Use a special type of eyes. Or maybe you always use a John Cena type head (square basically). Or maybe they always have facial hair. But make it your own.  Also there are other ways. Like I combine my sports memorabilia and draw caricatures of athletes I have autographs of
  • Start more basic: Only use one mouth shape. Don't use highlights. Use really basic ears. Just to start and then add that stuff. 
  • Use more than one picture: So a lot of people like to use one picture. But for me to make it yours plus to get more expertise on it use more then one picture.
  • Imagine the shape in your head... and then try to draw it but don't expect it: So when I see a caricature in my head it is perfect. So I will try to draw something like that but I don't expect it. 
  • Start with pencil then transition to pen: You don't won't to get upset with yourself. So it makes sense to use pencil but pen becomes easier. I NEVER thought I would be able to not use pencil. I am doing that now. 
  • Caricatures are arts staccato. Staccato is a musical note that is very sharp and very short. That is a caricature. You should draw very quick strokes. 
  • Start with tutorials: It makes sense at first to have someone guide you through it. RowserWorld is great or you could check out my tutorial tips on this page or right here.
  • Practice by just drawing faces: They don't always have to be works of art just draw random heads and faces.
  • Draw people you like: Draw presidents if that what you like. I like athletes, mental health awareness celebrities, SNL people and funny actors. But that is my. Even when I used tutorials I didn't draw people from Star Wars. I don't watch Star Wars so I have no connection to it. 
  • When using a tutorial it does not have to look exactly like the tutorial: READ EVERYTHING ABOVE. Every caricature is one of a kind. Also if you want to draw somebody don't be afraid to draw. I tried to draw Tony Gwynn and he ended up looking like Kel from All That. 
  • The nose and eyes are important: That is the first thing people look at. 
  • Draw friends: Friends that are photo friendly. That way you have lots of options and you know their facial features a little bit
  • There are a few others I can think of but they seem repetitive so I have one more: SIGN YOUR NAME. Especially if you are using this as a skill this is a pride thing this is saying look I did something. 
Please remember this is my outlet: Do you have an outlet that you want to write about? Let me know and I will write about it or you can be a guest writer. 

Have a good day everybody! More to come soon

Paint Pen Drawings

So I love the effect of paint pens so these are some of the ones I have done they are on canvas panels or canvases. Again I am showing the original ones but two of them are inspired by Fun2Draw
So my friends went to the grand canyon and I started drawig it and it didn't look right so I made an abstract grand canyon

Inspired by Fun2Draw

Inspired by Fun2Draw

Falcon (Similar to the drawing)

A very sassy individual 

A seal (I apologize it is sideways)

 (Two wolves very similar to a drawing I did)

Snow tiger face

Thing of The Day April 30

I think I will write an article on that later but there are just so many ways to express yourself. It does not just have to be an answer of words so find your outlet to express yourself.

Friday, April 29, 2016

All the other drawings

I am posting the rest of my original drawings

 from national championship game

Daniel's Faces

So I am trying to raise awareness for mental illness, show that creativity is a great outlet and allow people to be beautiful in their imperfections. I will write the name if it is a well known person a star if it is a friend. Otherwise it is just a face I drew.

So this one is a little different. His name is T-Man for temper man. I gave him some odd body features but he has a big smile and a huge heart

Demi Lovato


Patric Young










Corey Coleman


 Jared Goff





 Tina Fey