Monday, April 11, 2016

If you want to start drawing and don't know what to draw

So, two things to make clear; what is easy for me might not be easy for others. Second once you get something down it becomes easier. But, if you want to draw, and you don't want to or don't have access to tutorials here are a few suggestions

  • Cartoon Fish and Birds: Besides for God making both of them on the 5th day they have something else in common: They are very easy to draw. Birds are a little harder but at the same time they are easier than most animals for me. Fish are really just one body shape. 
  • John Cena (for a caricature meaning the face): If you want to draw a person or a face, especially a celebrity or a caricature, I would suggest drawing this wrestling star. He has the most unique head shape. If you want to draw a caricature (and I will probably make a list of who I would start with there too) John Cena is the man. 
  • Basic shapes: This might be boring but I don't mean draw them in a straight line or something draw them at different angels and figure out how they are parts for other drawings.
  • What is around you at that moment: The reason this is good is because you will be able to see it and have a clear view of it. Also if it is a basic item then you will have a really good picture in your head. 
Those are really 4 suggestions. However, everything takes practice so if you want to try something different find a picture and start drawing. Tomorrow I am going to write my keys to drawing a good caricature. 

Check out my art at the Imperfect Artist and have a good night.

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