Tuesday, May 10, 2016

What to Expect in a BPD Friendship Part 2

So I decided after how many people read the last post I wrote about this it got me thinking that there must be some more things that I am missing so I waited a while before I added another list but here it is

  • Texting and messaging is so hard for them: An example yesterday somebody said what's wrong Dan? I didn't know if that meant I am really concerned what is going on. Or if it meant ughh not again what is going on? Tone can be very hard.
  • Validation is needed often: A lot of times people with BPD have grown up in households where there is not a lot of validation so it means a lot when they get it. 
  • BPD is rarely ever alone: Whether it is depression, anxiety, OCPD (obsessive compulsive personality disorder), dependent personality disorder. Mental illnesses usually are together in some way. 
  • If they think you are more upset at them they are almost certainly more upset at themselves: People with BPD feel so much self pain. So if they think they messed up they are more upset that they messed up.
  • Abandonment is a big thing: :A lot of times people have been abandoned a lot so they are always worried you will do they same
  • Very hard to be in the moment: Even when there are good things a lot of times the friend is thinking about when the bad times will end.
  • They would do anything to have someone they can just trust and know will be there: Obviously no friend can be there all the time but just to know somebody is with them and is there for them
  • There mind is theirs: Often I have seen things where the person with BPD understands things even if nobody else does

I hope this helps in some way as said I am in a writing mood today. Have a good day.

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