Saturday, October 22, 2016

Thing of The Day: Roger Godell don't be that guy

So apparently Roger Godell the commissioner of the NFL basically said the public is "misunderstanding" how the NFL handles domestic violence cases and it is more complicated than it appears. Okay well I have a few things that I also don't understand
Why do you guys fine people like Brandon Marshall and Deangelo Williams for wearing cleats for important causes? How come you care more about the dress code than safety?
How come you have a private doctor on the sideline but it is the teams decision if the player can come back in the game. How come the public basically has to force you to show your information yet you expect everyone to give not even give but be thankful that you are allowed to give the NFL information. How come there are games on Thursday night even though it is obvious that it is not safe.
You do realize that at a majority of companies the "locker room behavior" equals behavior that gets somebody FIRED. How come you guys still don't do stuff to raise mental health awareness. Why was none of this known about Josh Brown until others made it public. On the thought of that why do you care more if Tom Brady deflates footballs compared to actually I don't know doing things to promote mental health after a player literally KILLED HIMSELF AT AN NFL FACILITY.
How come you make 32 Million dollars a year? Also you are supposed to be a commissioner did you know they were supposed to be equal to owners and players.
So congrats Roger Godell you make 32 million dollars a year (oh and when you claimed you were making nothing during the strike everyone even the misunderstanding public knew you would get a payday at the end) I expect you to be able to understand that domestic violence is completely inappropriate. You want to know why you say this something because you have nothing to lose. Oh and also your rich owners barely even pay for their own stadiums. I know they are so expensive yet in Canada you are not allowed to do that. .
So here are some suggestions: Quit saying we don't understand things and quit acting like the NFL and their owners, employees and players are above others.
I wouldn't mind if it did like I get this world is not fair. Just don't act like it is don't act like the NFL treats everyone like any other company. We might not understand but here is something I understand: Common sense. Do you?

Someone who know more than you think
PS: If you care so much help doctors and show your concussion records take some responsibility.

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