Saturday, October 1, 2016

Emotional Self Care Options

So I saw this picture on the PDAN page on facebook and ti made me think of a few ideas I have done to help out others

So some of these things are great. #8 I will be talking about in another article today. But here are some other ideas

  • Writing in a journal (#7) is great but be really careful it shouldn't be a rant. Also you can use your journal as validation. 
  • Sometimes friends aren't available and you can't ask for positive feedback. .So be prepared making a list saying you are and writing all the things your friends have said about you so you don't have to rely on them. Also a lot of friends really like it when you validate yourself so as another option write I am.
  • If you can't self validate by saying I love you try saying I am loved instead.
  • Write a list of things that you have done that make progress especially if you live in a place  where those things aren't validated.

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