So the reason I haven't been posting as much (as well as some of my drawings not looking as good) is because I am taking a drawing class. It is just drawing 1.
It is 4 hours. The longest class I have had before this is an hour and 15 minutes. After the first day I wanted to quit. I also found out the class was mostly still life drawings.
But things take time. I am getting better with the length. We have been doing a drawing project in class and this is what I have drawn (there are yams and garlic)
This was a practice one
I was also learning how to use different materials on this. I used graphite sticks on the first yam, vine charcoal on the third, and charcoal in the middle.
So today we did a critiquing session. I picked the garlic drawing as the one to show to the class. Everybody else's drawing looked so much more refined. To me mine looked like a bull in a China shop.
But when we got to mine I got a pleasant surprise. I was told how good my drawing was. The sizing was near perfect and while the drawing was different than most of the other ones it truly showed me and it had character.
A lot of the difference were due to mental stuff. I draw with emotion but more than that I am impulsive and have a fast brain. Therefore, especially with the unforgiving charcoal I wasn't sure if the drawings looked good. But, they did.
So the point I am trying to make is remember, whether you have mental illness or not but especially if you do, that being different does not mean being bad. It might just be your style and don't change your way just to make it like everybody else's. These drawings are very much me.
I would love to know what people think as these are really the first still-life drawings I have ever done.
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