Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Why I Love Drawing Superheroes

So as everyone probably knows I love drawing superheroes. One quick thing first I will be mentioning the new captain America movie I am not giving away anything but I will be mentioning one fact.  Also the end of this article goes on a big of a tangent.
I draw superheroes in sketchbooks. On canvases. I draw them big and small and in every way possible. This is mindfulness to me.
Mindfulness is the ability to keep yourself distracted but also in the state of thinking about one thing and just what is going on in that moment. It is another one of those coping skills that is much easier said than done.
I tried everything. But, drawing is what is mindfulness but in particular superheroes and I am 96.6% sure I know why.
So a lot of kids who were bullied or don't have self esteem turn to superheroes. They are in a world that is very hard and they want to get out of it.
I did for sure. I will save the details but my family life was never easy. When I lived in Chicago (by the way I lived right near where the movie mean girls is based) there was a comic book store. I can remember going in there every weekend I could because it got me away from everything else.
It is no exception now. There have been times where I am literally just drawing superheroes and beep I hear my phone and I forgot it was even there. It is the greatest feeling in the world. It really is. I can go into a different world where none of my problems exsist and it's not avoiding them it is fighting back by ynot letting them get to me. If you are around your problems all the time life is even harder than usual.
But I think there is one other reason
This is Tom Holland. He is actually 19 but he plays Peter Parker aka Spiderman in the movie. Like in other comics he tries to hide his powers at first. I also hid a lot when I was younger. If you look at Holland he is not bachelor of the year or the macho man. 
That more than anything is what I love about superheroes. Both in real life and in the books they have problems just like everybody else. These superheroes aren't always popular or they are fighting for things. Heck in real life this is true. Robert Downey Jr, the poster boy for Marvel, had a lot of drug problems. Chris Evans suipports LGBT rights but he grew up Catholic so I am not if his family supports him on this. Mark Ruffalo is a huge advocate fot things particularly water supply that is healthy. My point is these people realize the world is not perfect and neither are they. But they are trying, 
That is what I am doing too. Sure I am not advocating to Barack Obama but I have troubles the world has troubles. I admit and I am trying to make them both a better place,
I understand that celebrities are big deals but I think we also need to see that they do normal things. Maybe they do them with a bigger influence but they still do them. 

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