Saturday, April 16, 2016

Thing of the day April 16th Putting on The Goggles

So when I was in drivers ed they made me put in these goggles to show me what it is like to be drunk. Well they don't have those for panic attacks. People always are asking what it is like and for me it iis something that is very hard to explain.
Panic attacks are like snowflakes. Everyone and everybody's are different. But this is mine
When you read this you need to be CALM. I know this sounds weird but this could be a very emotional article.

Okay here we go

Imagine the feeling that you don't know how you will get to the next minute let alone the next day. You want help but to be honest the only thing you really want them to do is make the panic go away. Panic attacks can last anywhere from 5 minutes to 4 hours.
You are breathing heavily, heart palpitating, stomach hurling. It is an overall feeling of hopelessness. You would give up your arm for it to go away.
Panic attacks, a lot of times they are not triggered by one thing they just come and attack you.
For me when I have them my mind is running at infinity miles per hour but faster. It is kind of that in the way that it is very hard to explain. You just want it to end.

And that is what I have got.
This article is short because I don't want it is very emotional. But that is it. It is very scary and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.
So if you know someone who has a panic attack just be there for them, support them but don't go in with hopes that you have a magic wand.
Have a good day

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