Friday, July 29, 2016

Thing of the Day

Tomorrow I am going to write a really long thing of the day about how some baseball players made my day. However, it is late tonight and today I decided to put one of my favorite (maybe cheesy) quotes from the movie the Express and have put the part I like the most in bold
Thing is, I don't know how much more is in front of me, and as you see from the number of pages if you've read this far, I did have a few things to say and I'm not sure hopw to end this, or even if I want to. It's funny. Most people think my life has been all about football. I've even thought that myself. But football is just a game. What matters is what you play for. Sometimes when the game is close and everything is on the line, that's when you forget the crowd and the noise. That's when it's just you against somebody else to see who is the better man. That's what I like about the game. Because at that moment, you are friends and you are enemies and you are brothers.

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